As much as I love kitchen gadgets, I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about an appliance before. Sweepovac is a brilliant little vacuum that you install right in your cabinet. You sweep dirt and schmutz toward to the opening, and it gets sucked in without a trace. How cool is that? I’ve only seen this idea once before, as part of an upscale and pricey kitchen line. Sweepovac costs under $200. And the installation is doable. Watch the video after the break to see the product in action. Available for purchase here.
The Uzu vacuum cleaner by Japanese studio Metaphys is a thing of aesthetic beauty. It is also functionally intuitive. To start the piece, simply pull the hose away from the body. The rechargeable battery eliminates annoying cordage, and all the elements seamlessly interlock for compactness. In fact, Uzu is so inconspicuous and easy on the eye, you don’t have to hide it in a cabinet. That’s one way to approach the storage problem. A very, very clever way.
This invention would make any cook instantly happy. Poggenpohl‘s Plinth is a great compromise between a standalone vacuum cleaner and a central vacuum system. It is incorporated into the kitchen unit itself, ready to pick up any crumbs or scraps falling on the floor. No dustpans, no bending. Just sweep your schmutz towards the discreet vent, and the powerful suction will do the rest. The vacuum bags need to be changed, though, just like in a traditional vacuum cleaner. The only wish now is to have this product in a cabinet that is a tag less pricey.
HT KB Culture