October 16, 2013


Now here is an idea generated by someone who knows what cats love. The Krabhuis (Dutch for scratch house) combines in itself several major hits – cardboard, scratchy surfaces, peek-a-boo holes, and privacy. All this makes the Krabhuis an universal cat furniture for play and rest. And from the human perspective – it is quite an attractive object that while delighting your cat won’t compromise the overall style of the house. The piece is made from environmentally friendly 90% recycled material that consists of 48 layers of duofold cardboard.



Meret Oppenheim on 10/17/13

Fabulous. And (suggestion box) in a slightly larger size it could totally work as a baby/toddler toy. Many babies and toddlers love to go into snug spaces, though the need to scratch is less dominant than with cats.

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