February 23, 2012

We, deprived of nature urban dwellers, love our house plants. But we also kill them. In our crazy heads it always feels that we have just watered them last night, when in fact it’s been weeks… If this sounds familiar – you will appreciate this clever concept by Belgian designer Kenneth Van Steenberge, conceived in collaboration with Brecht Van Kerrebroeck, Michèle Feys and Camille Houyet. Potz is a flowerpot with an internal water tank that visually shows when the plant needs water. It consists of two parts. The internal component floats inside the external component and a wick transports water from the reservoir to the plant. The contrasting color detail makes the hydration state of the plant even clearer (it also looks very refreshing). Another exciting concept I would love to see produced.


Sarandella on 06/06/12

I love the concept and how helpful it would be to keep the plants hydrated; however, it would be nice to have warmer colors and styles. I couldn’t put one of those white tubes in any of my rooms or even my garden because it would stick out like a sore thumb.

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