May 19, 2016


This new Kickstarter made my week. Hangbird is a hanging drying rack that frees your living space by drying your clothes beneath the ceiling. A godsend for a small apartment. The product was born out of necessity. After several dialogues with his wife, Hangbird creator Samuel Kutter found a functional solution for drying his family’s laundry: a hanging drying rack. Interest soon spread for this unusual design among friends and family. Many wanted one too. He therefore decided to develop a real product inspired by an old Victorian model and started his own venture. Practical, appealing, and sustainably produced. I especially love the fact that you can choose the piece in different sizes to fit whatever crazy space you have. Pledge here to get buy.


February 8, 2013


Here is something every apartment dweller can use – Slimline. A simple foldable drying rack that makes the most of small spaces.  Its compact design hangs discreetly over any door, remaining trim and out of the way until you need it. When deployed, its aluminum rack provides plenty of room for your hand washed items. And when you’re done drying your clothes – simply store the piece away until the next laundry day.


May 29, 2012

Blindry is a brilliant window blind that turns into a fold-down laundry rack for drying clothes indoors. Perfect for small apartments, where floor space is often too limited to accomodate drying racks, the item brings multi-functionality to the new level. No wonder its designers, Kim Bobin and Ko Kyungeun, were awarded the prestigious Red Dot award for the concept. It is also an eco-friendly idea to use air and sunlight for drying clothes instead of energy-draining machines. “Sunlight can be used to dry one’s laundry and floor space in left unhindered.” – designers say.
