September 9, 2011

If you are an eco-conscious typography geek, you will like this collection. The A Range by London based design company ByAlex includes a stool, side table and a coat stand, all of which are based around two interlocking ‘A’-s (hence the name). These A-shaped structures keep the furniture strong and stable. The pieces are highly adaptable and can play many roles around the house – occasional tables, plant stands, even mini-desks. All items are made from accredited birch plywood, which makes for a responsible eco-friendly design.


September 8, 2011

This small elegant desk from Omni+ deserves a mention for its smart storage solution. In addition to a traditional frontal shelf and drawer combo, the piece features a clever section on the back. It can be used to store away cables and cords (and we all know how unattractive those can be) or used as an accent if facing the room. Whatever the arrangement might be – there is no such thing as too much storage. The desk comes in high gloss white with walnut accents and sold here.


Swiss designers Luzia Kälin and Nicole Lehner created a clever solution for accommodating house guests called Stay At My Home. The kit includes all the basics needed for a comfortable night stay. These components are neatly stored within each other, which makes a lot of space-saving sense. The mattress is rolled under the nightstand, which in turn houses linens and a bedside lamp. The drawer can be removed from the stand and placed as a storage box within easy reach from the bed. The arrow-shaped rug completes the set. All pieces are lightweight, which allows the guest to move them around with ease. This design is kind to both receiving and visiting parties and perfect for a limited space.

September 7, 2011

Modular kitchens comprised of interchangeable components are perfect for small spaces. They can be tailored to any room, moved around to accommodate different cooking needs… The Cun kitchen from Joko Domus does all of these things, while being an aesthetically pleasing object as well. All pieces are highly customizable. You can add storage options, accessories, choose between casters and fixed legs. Pieces can be hooked together or function as free-standing components. Side panels are available in a variety of woods, Corian or stainless steel.

September 6, 2011

This colorful collection by London based designer Amy Hunting employs the power of gravity to generate storage. The Felt and Gravity line consists of a sideboard, storage box and a series of occasional tables. The tables can be stacked to create storage units of various height and configuration. All pieces feature pockets, made from 100% wool. These soft and flexible felt ‘shelves’ get their strength from the weight placed inside them. The items are also flat pack, which makes them easy to transport (or stored when not in use).

This cool invention from Russian door manufacturer Mauer Buro allows you to change glass from opaque to translucent with the flick of a switch. The technology behind it consists of a liquid crystal polymer membrane (activated by remote control) and two outer layers of conventional glazing. As the result we get a surface that can be used as a window, partition or room divider. It lets in light when you need it and becomes an opaque shield when you want some privacy. Clever stuff!

September 5, 2011

San-Francisco based industrial designer Matt Day has made this quiet contribution to the war on cables – Stone hard drive. The piece features an external rubber molding, where the cord is stored when not in use. No more hustle with trying to locate the right cable, no more annoying knots of cordage under the desk, – just one streamlined and easy on the eye gadget. I really want to see this HDD produced.

The X-Grill by Picnic Time is a folding little thing you can easily assemble on any piece of outdoor space you happen to have. And because it weighs very little and can be carried around in a tote (included) – it is perfect for picnics as well. It looks quite elegant too. And since the item folds absolutely flat when not in use, storing it is a breeze. I just wish I saw it a tad earlier in the season… Available here.

The Shifty desk / hallway stand reminds me of the Secret Stash project. This piece by Daniel Schofield is also a fine example of discreet storage. Schofield leads us to believe that the main storage compartment is the drawer on the front. But in fact the entire desk surface slides open revealing the hidden area, perfect for personal papers and electronic equipment. This sliding of the top also doubles the desk size and puts work area closer to the user. Many points for space-saving! And who doesn’t like the empowering nature of hidden compartments?

September 2, 2011

Quad is a building block that can be used anywhere in your house to create custom furniture. Designed by Dom Trapp, this modular system is brilliant when you need more storage (and who doesn’t). Bookcases, bedside tables, ottomans, consoles, coffee tables, side or occasional tables, under-desk storage – these are just the few possible Quad uses. Each module is laser cut from a 100% recyclable steel sheet, folded and enameled with environmentally friendly paints. The piece comes in a variety of colors.